The Diecast Aviation Forum and website was founded by a group of 3 collectors several years ago that were passionate about collecting diecast aircraft. This sadly become two when one of the founders passed away in 2007 after a battle with cancer. Today, this forum stands for what he did, put together and with the assistance of others has established itself as a very reliable place for diecast collectors to exchange their views.
Today, with some well supported friends from the forum, we try and bring together a collecting community from all over the word which sparks interest and passion back into the hobby.
We are proud not to have our forum plastered and pasted with advertising banners as we feel this is an independent place that collectors can be amongst each other and share their thoughts. Having undergone a recent upgrade to the latest and greatest software, the forum is now as stable as ever and concentrates solely on the quality content we attract from our members.
Registration is open once again for new members to join!
We have no association to any retailer or manufacturer and as such this makes us independent and not biased when it comes to the information we bring you and what you share with us!
We do not have to support any stores, retailers or influence you in any way to make a sale. We show you what we are passionate about, after all this is our hobby! Something we sometimes forget about, but have to remember!
Whilst we cannot bring you every little bit of information about a model, we have grown throughout the life of the website and have got to know various retailers over the globe and manufacturers that have helped us establish this site - we thank you for your support and the knowledge you have provided to us. Without you as members, this site would not exist.
The recent upgrades and on-going additions will further see our forum and website develop in 2016 and members grow!
As more than just collectors, being aviation enthusiasts also fuels the passion for the forum to expand and with links to major sites worldwide we hope this becomes your passion too. Thank you.
Please enjoy our forum - please register and say hello!

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